Friday, August 30, 2013

New Schools

To say Elias was excited for his first day of Kindergarten would be an understatement.  When he woke up on August 26th, he said, "Is it Monday Mom?  Is it MONDAY?!?!"  When I said it was, he said, "Yay!  I get to go to my new school."  If only his enthusiasm for school would last for for at least 17 more years.

Elias' First Day of Kindergarten (August 26th, 2013)

Elias has just finished his first week at Steele (our neighborhood public school), and already he tells me he never does reading or math at school.  They don't have any books to read in his classroom and no paper for math either.  So much for 17 more years of enthusiasm.  He said the best part about his teacher (Ms. Czaja) is when she goes outside with them for recess.  And so it begins.

All this week when I picked him up from school, I immediately wanted to know what he had worked on that day, if he did any reading or science or how his specials were that day...what he had for lunch (he is doing hot lunch...YES!), for breakfast (the school offers free breakfast), how his before and after school program was, if he had visited the library yet...the questions are never-ending.  I have become obsessed with what he is doing all day.  Never mind that just last week, at his old school, I never went out of my way to find out about his work.  Didn't matter if they were having parties every day of the week.  Somehow now that he is in Kindergarten, I feel like he needs to be learning.  Why are parents so crazy?

 Ezra also started a new school this week.  We were tired of the way the old school treated their employees (a bunch of our favorite teachers have left or were fired), so we made our statement by doing what we could...we left.  Ezra's new classroom seems calmer, the teachers seem more relaxed; I think it will be just what Ezra needs.  Another bonus is it is a non-profit school.  He has had a great week at Montessori Academy of Colorado (MAC).  He transitioned this week, so he was only at MAC a few hours each day (until today, where he went for the whole day).  He had fun washing the tables and enjoyed eating soup that they made in class.  I think he has a special place in his heart for his teacher Ms. Danee.  Now if he could only learn to use the potty.
Ezra's First Day at MAC (August 26th, 2013)

My boys are growing up!