Elias' teacher, Ms. Julie, is known for getting her students to read at an early age. Unfortunatley, I think Elias must have missed a key point. Last week as we are driving home he says:
"Ca. Ca. Ca. Car."
"Ba. Ba. Ba. Fish."
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Almost 10 Months
At almost 10 months Ezra:
-weighs 17lbs 13 oz, 28 inches long
-splashes so much in the bathtub that he must be part fish
-got his 2nd tooth (Sept 24th) bottom, left, front
-has mastered going up the stairs (especially when Mom and Dad aren't paying attention)
-knows the signs for milk, more and all done
-loves to dig in my plants (messy!)
-has had cold after cold after cold
-loves to wiggle and clap to the music
-constantly drools
-chases Brooks around the room at school
-pulls off his bib every time he eats
-is the class clown
-is still breastfeeding 3 times a day (more like 2.5 times)
-grunts and makes fists when he is frustrated
-is getting pretty good at eating cheerios
-loves unrolling the toilet paper
-is the teacher's pet (Margie goes on and on about him every time I pick him up)
-stands up and claps without holding on (but seems too afraid to take those first steps)
-works with toys at school for a long period of time before moving on
-shakes his head no when you shake your head yes...and laughs (see class clown above)
-has started sitting on the froggy potty at home
-smiles at people he knows
-is beyond curious about EVERYTHING
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