Last weekend we went to see my sister in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. It was a nice change from the winter in Colorado. Lucky for us, Mom and Jim were there at the same time too. The kids got to eat at their very own special table. One night the kids had mac n' cheese, and I caught Elias putting all of it onto Tate's plate. I guess you do what you can when there is no dog.
We went to the train park and had a great time playing on the playground equipment and riding on the train. Matt and I took all of the kids for a ride on the choo-choo. Mom and Steph were wishing us farewell at the start, we saw them again at the Stagecoach, went through the spooky tunnel and lo and behold, there they were waving to us from the top of the tower near the end. To say I was surprised is an understatement:
One night we went to Organ Stop, a magical pizza place where a musician plays the organ while the different parts being played are lit up. It was jam packed with families and surprisingly to me, many many old people. I suppose it is an instrument of their generation. I think it was a bit overwhelming for Elias, but he liked it none the less (and so did I).
Ethan put on a magnificent magic show one night, full of string tricks, card tricks and pencil tricks. My favorite part was the book he acted out with Steph. We also got summoned from lunch one afternoon to the living room for a special surprise. We took our time, and when we arrived, Ethan was standing on the half wall holding up a giant tower he had built with cardboard bricks. I'm thinking we would have hustled a little if we had known he was so delicately balancing the blocks and himself. That kid's got talent!
Much of the afternoons were spent riding the tricycle (Tate took Elias around a little cute) and blowing bubbles. Elias got his very own bubble container he could carry around himself. It was easy to refill at the kitchen sink (shhh...don't tell). We played Mother May I and made a human knot. Lesson learned, when making a human knot, be sure both of your hands aren't connected to the same person. It may take you a while, but you will discover that it then can't be undone.
On Sunday, it was bath time. When both boys wanted to take a bath with Elias, they got a special treat. All three in the grownup bath!
Elias was exhausted by the end of the weekend, but boy did he have fun. What are you guys doing next weekend?
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