Tuesday, September 28, 2010

So How Are You Feeling?

I must say this is the most asked question of my second pregnancy. All in all, things are going well. It really hasn't been that much different from the first time around. I had a little more morning sickness in the beginning, but it really wasn't bad at all. I feel much bigger this time, but was assured I am measuring right at 24 weeks. This also leads to the fact that I feel like it is taking FOREVER this time. I suppose when it comes, it will feel like it is too soon. I'm also a bit more tired, but I have a feeling Elias has almost everything to do with that.

The first time around I ate a lot of smoothies, but I think that was because there wasn't as much fresh fruit available as it was a little later in the season. This time, I seem to be eating a lot of banana bread. I don't think it is a craving thing, it is just we have had a lot of overripe bananas around, so banana bread it is. Probably the weirdest thing is my lack of craving for chocolate. I usually really feel like having chocolate at work after lunch...now, not so much.

Matt and I aren't doing as much prep work this time either. We aren't taking any classes at the hospital, and we haven't been reading the "What to Expect" book (who has time?). We also have no name picked out yet, but I'm not worried. That will come.

Elias knows he is getting a little brother in January, but I'm sure he doesn't really know what that means. I'm sure, neither do Matt and I.

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