Carissa and Noah brought us a wonderful homemade dinner of stuffed shells and rum cake (and we got yummy leftovers). Don't forget the home brew too! They also broght Elias a sticker book, and Ezra "The Thingamabob" book (which Elias loves).
Gina brought us pastries and quiche that was to die for. Plus a fish magnet game for Elias and black and white cards, a bear blankie, foam book (which Elias loves) and leg warmers for Ezra. He hates being cold during diaper changes, so he loves his leg warmers!
The Posts brought us home made macaroni and cheese and a delicious Boston creme pie (how did Brad make that? :) On a separate trip, we got some really good cookies. They also brought some mountain themed gifts: A big stuffed moose for Elias and a baby moose for Ezra. Plus a cute onesie and socks for Ezra once he gets a bit bigger.
Kate brought us some awesome homemade cookies and a cute little footprint/handprint frame (to be completed tomorrow...I hope).
Just because people couldn't make it for a visit doesn't mean they didn't send us some great gifts too:
Chelsea baked her awesome chocolate chip cookies. They are unrepeatable in my kitchen (believe me I have tried).
Aunt Karen knit some wonderful socks for both boys:
Helen and David sent a cute jean jacket and shirt combo. I can't wait until he is big enough to wear it.
Grandpa Don sent a beautiful Laredo pottery piece to add to our collection, a Silver Eagle coin for Ezra and a beautiful quilted bib.
Liang and Aunt Pat sent gift cards. Can't go wrong with a trip to Target.
The Winters and Kiefers sent a gorgeous embroidered towel, washcloth and bib for Ezra.
Linda Patton sent some hand knit hats for Elias. He loves to pick out his new hats to wear outside:
Nancy and Paul sent a box of goodies for Ezra. Clothes (including an adorable red and black checkered vest, some CDs, a bear chew toy and some bath toys.
The Fogles sent a full box of toys for Elias. Raisins (his favorite part of the box), crayons, coloring book, matchbox car and trailer, a CD and some special markers and paper.
Thanks to everyone for their wonderful generosity. Hopefully I will get to the real thank you notes soon!
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