Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Human Vacuum Cleaner

Ezra will find every piece of dirt, lint and food particle on the floor, put it in his mouth and chew and chew and chew. You got dirty floors? He's your man. Never mind that the sweet potato fries were spit out almost immediately. "But those aren't yummy paper pieces Mom."

Ezra is already 11 months old. NO WAY! What has he been up to? Here goes.


-dances any time a song is played
-cries every time we knock the block tower down
-loves to stuff his face with cherrios (and is getting pretty good at it)
-got his third tooth (finally) on Dec 10th (top, right, 2nd from center)
-has cheeks that are always red (Eczema just like his brother)
-enjoys playing "share" (handing a toy to you, but then expecting to get it back right away...not good when he tries to play with Elias)
-can now crawl down the stairs backwards (although usually halfway down he forgets and starts going up again)
-said his first word ("Hi") on Dec 7th
-dislikes chunky baby food (ex. Green beans just don't get smooth with the blender)
-loves riding on your shoulders (thanks for discovering that Grandpa Don)
-now has green (?) eyes (his blue eyes looked like they were turning brown, but now seem green. Who knows?)

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