Ezra is already 11 months old. NO WAY! What has he been up to? Here goes.
-dances any time a song is played
-cries every time we knock the block tower down
-loves to stuff his face with cherrios (and is getting pretty good at it)
-got his third tooth (finally) on Dec 10th (top, right, 2nd from center)
-has cheeks that are always red (Eczema just like his brother)
-enjoys playing "share" (handing a toy to you, but then expecting to get it back right away...not good when he tries to play with Elias)
-can now crawl down the stairs backwards (although usually halfway down he forgets and starts going up again)
-said his first word ("Hi") on Dec 7th
-dislikes chunky baby food (ex. Green beans just don't get smooth with the blender)
-loves riding on your shoulders (thanks for discovering that Grandpa Don)
-now has green (?) eyes (his blue eyes looked like they were turning brown, but now seem green. Who knows?)
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