Halloween 2011 we went all out. We picked pumpkins off the vine at a local farm.
Elias finally felt brave enough to try the bouncy houses at the farm.
One of the pumpkins Elias painted at school, the other we carved.
The kids had wonderful costumes that Mom had made/fixed up for this year. Elias was a doctor, complete with real stethoscope, mask, and giant syringe.
Ezra wore Elias' first Halloween costume.
The kids wore their costumes to music class, to school, for neighborhood trick-or-treating (Elias only made it half way down the block and back), and to our annual Fraser Halloween celebration. They have a free photo both, and this year I discovered you can download the pictures. Here are the 2011 photos:
And here are the 2010:
I've already started thinking about what the boys should be this year.