-loves to play the piano.
-gets into everything. He unplugs anything in outlets; nightlights, the doorbell (which I had to move), even the outlet protectors. Sigh.
-laughs when you give him kisses.
-likes to scurry up the stairs when no one is looking, and then laugh maniacally when he is discovered.
-puts his fingers in your mouth.
-is finally starting to understand signing milk, more and all done. If he wants anything though (a toy, a drink, some food), he makes the milk sign.
-loves to pat his own belly...and yours.
-bops to music and claps when songs end.
-says up, dog (although it sounds like daaaawg), off, Hi (although it comes out Hiiieeee), Ahhh (after drinking milk or water), doddle (who knows what this means?).
-gives kisses and hugs when he is in the mood (but that open mouth still makes me nervous that he is going to bite).
-is a gigantic pain in the butt to feed: spits food out, throws it on the floor, hides it in his chair, takes off his bib.
-helps with putting his clothes on.
-has some favorite toys: dog bones (yummy), the bowls in the cupboards, any container he can put stuff in.
-convinced mommy and daddy to get a new dog food container that is Ezra proof, so he would stop cramming dog food into his mouth at all possible moments.
-has a ticklish belly and toes.
-gives high 5s.
-always has a big smile for Daddy.
-finally got adjusted to his new class at school and now plays instead of crying at drop off.
-plays by himself in his crib at bedtime.
"...so he would stop cramming dog food into his mouth"
ReplyDeleteIsn't Ezra a vegetarian?!