Now I now most people think almost all paperwork is pointless. I, however, do not fall into this category. I usually do most paperwork without complaint, and even, at times, make my own paperwork to do in order to make my life easier.
But, FMLA paperwork is a complete waste of time. One month before my due date, but not earlier than that, I had to get the doctor to fill out a form saying my estimated time off of work. Ella, the paperwork woman at the doctor's office (a horrid job, I can imagine), filled in my due date of January 15th, and stated I would be out either 6 or 8 weeks depending on the type of delivery. This is standard, and I believe everyone involved in the process knew this is what the paperwork would state. After contacting my work Human Resources Department (HRSC), one person told me I might need a new form submitted because Ezra arrived 1 week early (because doing the math is too hard?). Luckily, a different woman said it wouldn't be necessary (I guess we will see).
Now that my 6 weeks is up, I have to get an "Authorized Return to Work" form filled out by my doctor's office. Now, I am not really going back to work for 6 more weeks, and my doctor's appointment isn't until late next week. I figured I would have the "Authorized Return to Work" form filled out after the doctor sees authorize that I can return to work. Duh. No hurry because I'm not going back right away, right? Wrong. The HRSC said they need the form ASAP. Even though it seemed ludicrous to ask, I called the doctor's office to see if they could do the paperwork before I saw the doctor. No problem, Ella said. In fact, she called me today to ask me what day I wanted her to authorize that I could return to work. What? Why didn't I just fill out the paperwork myself. Or better yet, just skip it altogether.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
On Saturday we went to my coworker Jennifer's wedding. It was a short ceremony, and we all packed into a small venue for the reception. We had a great time. Jennifer worked with me on my old job and now works at my current job, so there were people from both my old an new work lives. What fun to catch up with everyone while being out on maternity leave, and to get a chance show off Elias and Ezra. So glad you found the love of your life Jennifer!
Nah, just cheap. I get tons of address labels in the mail for different charities I donate (and don't donate) to. These have become an unending supply of stickers for Elias. In fact, I may have ruined regular, normal, kid stickers for him. He makes pictures with the address labels, pastes them on boxes, and loves to play doctor with them and use them as bandaids. Every "owie" is pasted with my name and address, but gets its final healing with a kiss.
Nice to Be Thought Of
The presents are still rolling in, and it is fun to open each box wondering what goodies are inside...but just being thought of, people taking time to send us something, that is what really feels special. Even Matt's dentist office sent the fruit bouquet above to his work to say congrats. Mom sent some fun towels to brighten up our bathroom. Dad sent a silly dancing, singing valentine gorilla. Andy and Diane sent our first "Baby Brother" book, perfect for Elias and a gift card for Ezra. Chris and Andy sent some neat fair trade, all natural gifts: A paddleboat for Elias to play with in the tub and a teething blanket for Ezra. My new coworkers gathered an absurd amount of money and sent Matt home with a gift card we will be using for a long while. My friend Deanna made this beautiful blanket for Ezra to cuddle with. It is so soft that Matt wants one too:
Monday, February 14, 2011
Fountains of Pee and Projectile Poop
When you have kids, you spend a lot of time talking about what comes out of their bodies. Ezra has shot poop across the room, and has perfected spraying the wall with pee. Nothing too out of the ordinary. What amazes me are the gigantic boogers I suction out of his nose about every other day. Too much information? If you don't have kids but plan to, get used to it.
All Good Things Must End
Last week was a great week: Elias was happy in the mornings, inventing all sorts of games to play on his own in the afternoons, really seeming so grown up. The three of us hung out on Friday, and Matt and Elias played most of Saturday. It was a wonderful week. By Sunday though, I think he was ready to head back to school. Matt was up skiing at Winter Park, and Sunday started off early. Elias woke up when I was feeding Ezra at 3:00 a.m. and the day went downhill from there. Even after Matt got back that night, Elias was still crabby. I sure hope seeing all of his friends at school turns him into his sweet self. Coming up is a four day weekend. Wish me luck.
My Son is Creepy
Elias remembers everything, or so it seems (and yes, I do remember I already wrote about this a long time ago). We were looking at a magazine this weekend and there was a girl playing in a pink tent on the back. Elias asked if we could go play in the pumpkin tent with the balloons. He played in that at Halloween very briefly and didn't really like it. That was over 3 months ago. Creepy! I think the earliest memory I have is when I was 8, so he must get it from Matt.
Don Visits
Matt's high school friend, Don and his son Liam came over for a visit this weekend (we missed seeing you Liz!). It was fun to catch up. They brought a cute little sweatshirt and pant outfit that will be perfect for the mountains, and a neat little crinkle book for Ezra. Thanks. Elias talked about the ball pop-up toy that we played with at their house. More on Elias' creepy memory next.
Having two kids is a challenge in so many ways. Sure, it is hard to find time for yourself (thank goodness Elias is in daycare), it is difficult to keep him out of trouble when I am feeding Ezra, there is no time for sleep. But what I find most challenging is the guilt I feel over not having as much time for Elias. I used to do everything for him: Play, help get him ready for school, help put him to bed. Now, he plays a lot on his own, and Matt does a lot more with him. Even on Fridays, when it is just Elias, Ezra and me, I am often too tired to play much, or I am taking care of baby brother. I can tell Elias is having a hard time with it, and it makes me sad. I miss being with my little man Elias.
I know I write about this about every few months, but I just can't get over how awesome it is to get boxes full of used clothes, toys, books, and coats for the boys. We got out the bassinet that we got from Jeanne again for Ezra, I have a closet full of winter coats from Jillyn (and I just added some more, plus some clothes...awesome!), Elias still plays with the toys from Jamie and Ezra is using the crib, my sister sent a kid CD player that was the perfect potty prize for Elias (plus clothes!), my friend Joe gave us their car seat, clothes, play mat, bounce seat, exersaucer, and high chair, and a humongous box arrived from my cousin Amy just the other day (we got one when Elias was born too). Inside were the cute bookends above, shoes, books that Elias loves, clothes for Ezra. It is like Christmas all over again. I figure it is also a bit fun for the people giving because they get to see my kids wearing some of the clothes they remember their kids wearing. Provides a little trip down memory lane. If you ever need to pause to think, "Who might like all of this old kid stuff?", ponder no more. It's me, me, me! Thanks everyone.
Big Brother
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Party Pooper? *
Not exactly. More like Party Puker. All four of us went to a Super Bowl party at our friend Kat and Slaby's house on Sunday. I was super excited to see some people I hadn't seen in a while and to just get out of the house. There were lots and lots of desserts (a party true to my own heart), so Elias wanted something right when we got there. He only ate a small portion of a chocolate candy bar cookie dessert, and then said he didn't like it (true to form). A few hours later he was throwing up all over the hardwood floors. I say better than the carpet.
In hindsight, we should have left then, but how often do I actually get to socialize these days? We stayed longer, and just as we were about to leave, Elias threw up again. This time we were over carpet, but I took most of it on me to save the plush fibers. Better than the car, Matt says. I borrowed a shirt, and we changed Elias' clothes and quickly left. He got sick one more time that night, but was well enough for school the next day (thank goodness).
I guess there is a possibility that he ate a tiny piece of a Snickers bar which would have had peanuts in it, so perhaps that is why he got sick. But it is a bit suspicious that the last party we went to (the baby shower thrown by Noah and Carissa for us) Elias also got sick. Too much chocolate? Or maybe he is intimidated by all the socializing and seeing so many people he doesn't know. Enough to make him sick to his stomach?
At the next party, Elias can not consume any food not brought by us...that is if we are ever invited out again.
* Thanks to Steph for this great blog title
In hindsight, we should have left then, but how often do I actually get to socialize these days? We stayed longer, and just as we were about to leave, Elias threw up again. This time we were over carpet, but I took most of it on me to save the plush fibers. Better than the car, Matt says. I borrowed a shirt, and we changed Elias' clothes and quickly left. He got sick one more time that night, but was well enough for school the next day (thank goodness).
I guess there is a possibility that he ate a tiny piece of a Snickers bar which would have had peanuts in it, so perhaps that is why he got sick. But it is a bit suspicious that the last party we went to (the baby shower thrown by Noah and Carissa for us) Elias also got sick. Too much chocolate? Or maybe he is intimidated by all the socializing and seeing so many people he doesn't know. Enough to make him sick to his stomach?
At the next party, Elias can not consume any food not brought by us...that is if we are ever invited out again.
* Thanks to Steph for this great blog title
The Truth
I don't sugar coat things. If you have been following my blog at all, this is obvious. That means it must be the truth when I say that Ezra is just now starting to get cute. Both Matt and I thought he wasn't such a good looking baby with his large nose and all. And we all know that grandparent opinions can't be trusted. He has filled out some, so there may be hope for him yet.
Something Else
If you ask Elias what he wants to eat, he says, "Something else", even if you haven't mentioned anything in the first place. If we only knew what this "something else" was, Elias' picky eating habits would be solved.
Good Times
I haven't had a chance to write about all the fun Elias and Grandma and Grandpa had when they visited. It started off with tons of toys and gifts. There were blocks and balls, giant puzzles, a fish book (all of these toys that were not needed at the Grandparents' place anymore). Elias got this awesome apron (embroidered by Grandma) and helped make chocolate chip cookies. There was a bead craft to make a necklace (we didn't tie it off, so Elias still likes to do it over and over again). Elias also enjoyed snowman pancakes with Grandpa.
Then there were Grandma's boots. Too bad she didn't leave those behind. Elias loved to wear them, even when he wasn't wearing anything else. Good times!
Handmade Gifts
When I go out with Ezra, people ask to look at the baby...but more people seem to comment on his handmade quilt. "Who made that?," they ask. I proudly say, "My Mom."
And not to be outdone, Elias got his own handmade blanket from Grandma too.
Ezra also got a wooden rattle made by Grandpa Jim. Handmade gifts truly are special. I expect they will be passed down to the generations to come.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Odds and Ends
Some odds and ends about Ezra:
He has some wicked back hair (hard to see in the picture, but it is there).
He really likes having people around. He doesn't like it when you leave him alone.
He has trouble going to sleep at ~6:30 p.m. bedtime. So does his brother.
He slept 5 hours last night. Yipee!
He hates being cold, and therefore doesn't enjoy diaper changes.
He is an easy baby.
He is a Houdini master at getting unswaddled. I'm not sure he really likes it.
He likes to suck. When he doesn't have his pacifier, he finds his hand.
He doesn't like the hats from the hospital.
He is one-month-old today!
From Big to Small
If you recall my previous post, when I was pregnant all I heard was how big I looked and that Ezra was going to be huge. Not fun. He was only 7 lbs 2 oz when he was born. Now, all I hear about is how small Ezra is. Not fun. When you are worried enough as it is that your kid is eating well, hearing about how tiny he looks really doesn't help. Do people ever know the right thing to say? Well, I got him weighed today and he is up to 8 lbs 5 oz. Take that!
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