Is it possible for kids to change so much in just one month?
At 13 months, Ezra now:
-Prefers to flush the toilets instead of lifting the lid (that's an improvement).
-Has a favorite word of "Uh, oh." Says it anytime he drops something, which is really quite often, and I think mostly on purpose.
-Loves to crawl into your lap to sit and play.
-Got his first haircut (by me) on Friday, Feb 10th (how come hairstylists make it look so easy?).
-Got his 6th tooth Feb 9th (top, left, 2nd from middle)
-Loves to eat lentils and yogurt, but that is about it (prefers formula at 1:00 in the morning). Occasionally will humor me with bananas and peas. Carrots and broccoli now definite Nos.
-Likes playing in the plant dirt.
-Still eats the mortar from the brick walls (maybe we should start filling in the gaps with mashed potatoes).
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