Back in January, Ezra had his one year checkup. I was hoping, pleading, begging the powers that be that there was something wrong with him. He refused to eat just about anything but yogurt. Maybe it was an ear infection, or tooth problems...maybe his throat was constricted or he was allergic to something. I wanted it to be ANYTHING. But alas, there was nothing wrong with Ezra at his doctor's appointment. He checked out just fine. It seems strange to say, but what a disappointment.
Luckily for us, it does seem as though that was just a phase Ezra was going through as he learned to eat finger foods. He seems to get more and more adventurous, and we sure hope it stays that way. He is on his way to eating way more stuff than Elias eats (although that isn't saying much). Right now both kids like lentils the most (Why are our kids so weird? You would think it would be mac 'n cheese or pizza or something). A few weeks ago Ezra ate for dinner:
2 strawberries
2 tablespoons of chickpea casserole
3 tablespoons of lentils
3 tablespoons of oatmeal
5 tablespoons of peas
1 slice of banana
1 oz of formula
I think he was making up for just eating yogurt the last month.
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