Sunday, April 29, 2012

On To Halloween 2011

Halloween 2011 we went all out.  We picked pumpkins off the vine at a local farm.
Elias finally felt brave enough to try the bouncy houses at the farm.
One of the pumpkins Elias painted at school, the other we carved.
 The kids had wonderful costumes that Mom had made/fixed up for this year.  Elias was a doctor, complete with real stethoscope, mask, and giant syringe.
Ezra wore Elias' first Halloween costume.
 The kids wore their costumes to music class, to school, for neighborhood trick-or-treating (Elias only made it half way down the block and back), and to our annual Fraser Halloween celebration.  They have a free photo both, and this year I discovered you can download the pictures.  Here are the 2011 photos:
 And here are the 2010:

I've already started thinking about what the boys should be this year.

Last October Girl's Weekend

I know.  I know.  I'm still catching up.
Last October, Mom, Steph, Ethan, Tate, Elias, Ezra and I went up to Fraser to for our yearly "Girl's Weekend."  We had a blast.  There was a tiny bit of snow, so the Arizonians were thrilled.
  We hiked along the river,
  made crowns,

 played at playgrounds,


 made Halloween mobiles (Ezra's is still hanging above his bed) and painted Halloween jars,


 played with string (who knew it could entertain kids for hours), made bracelets, ate awesome food (had a great breakfast out), talked, laughed, and had fun.  I'm glad I got around to posting about it before this year's get together.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Almost 15 Months

Since I still have to catch up from last October, let's just combine Ezra at 14 and almost 15 months.


-loves to play the piano.
-gets into everything. He unplugs anything in outlets; nightlights, the doorbell (which I had to move), even the outlet protectors. Sigh.
-laughs when you give him kisses.
-likes to scurry up the stairs when no one is looking, and then laugh maniacally when he is discovered.
-puts his fingers in your mouth.
-is finally starting to understand signing milk, more and all done. If he wants anything though (a toy, a drink, some food), he makes the milk sign.
-loves to pat his own belly...and yours.
-bops to music and claps when songs end.
-says up, dog (although it sounds like daaaawg), off, Hi (although it comes out Hiiieeee), Ahhh (after drinking milk or water), doddle (who knows what this means?).
-gives kisses and hugs when he is in the mood (but that open mouth still makes me nervous that he is going to bite).
-is a gigantic pain in the butt to feed: spits food out, throws it on the floor, hides it in his chair, takes off his bib.
-helps with putting his clothes on.
-has some favorite toys: dog bones (yummy), the bowls in the cupboards, any container he can put stuff in.
-convinced mommy and daddy to get a new dog food container that is Ezra proof, so he would stop cramming dog food into his mouth at all possible moments.
-has a ticklish belly and toes.
-gives high 5s.
-always has a big smile for Daddy.
-finally got adjusted to his new class at school and now plays instead of crying at drop off.
-plays by himself in his crib at bedtime.