Monday, January 31, 2011

The Neverending List

When my Mom and Jim visit, they always insist on a list of things to do. This list doesn't include a trip to the Botanical Gardens or a nice night out on the town. It is a list of stuff we need done around the house. This last visit the list was ever growing and most of it was for Jim. Thanks for your great job helping out (as always)! I can't even begin to list all of the tasks he did around the house, but here are some:

Playing with Elias
Cooking with Elias
Cooking dinner almost every night (with some great corn bread recipes to boot)
Fixing the front door lock
Fixing the train track toys
Fixing the Lion toy (which Elias has found a new love for...let's hope it lasts)
Hanging drywall with Matt

Probably the best task was thanks to my friend Joe. Matt and I were trying to come up with a place for Ezra to sleep once we go up to the condo. We only have two bedrooms downstairs and until Ezra gets a bit older, he and Elias sharing a room doesn't seem like it would work out well. Joe thought of the big red whirlpool bathtub we have in the master bathroom. We never use it, so he thought we could convert it to a baby "bedroom".

We mentioned the idea to Jim and he ran with it. The picture above shows the final result better than I can describe it. I can't wait until we head up to Fraser to try it out.

My list already has a few more entries added. When are you guys coming back?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Breastfeeding Sucks (pun intended)

I had figured it was just Elias the first time around. At two-weeks-old he was labeled, "Failure to thrive" because he was so bad at breastfeeding. I ended up pumping and feeding him with a bottle (at least until the next saga occurred).

Turns out I can't blame it all on him. Breastfeeding is really frickin' hard. I'm supposed to sit with good posture (yeah right), get Ezra to latch on properly, hold one breast with one hand, hold him with the other. With my third hand I keep his hands out of the way, and with my fourth I tickle him to keep him awake. See the problem yet? I currently sit hunched over, strip him down to his diaper and count down until 15 minutes has passed. Then I switch to the other side. Sometimes it is 3:00 in the morning. Ugh.

People tell me that I can sleep, read a book or even read to Elias while feeding Ezra. Really? When does that happen? Right now it is all I can do to get Ezra to keep eating for the allotted amount of time. And if he doesn't eat right, it isn't that he will just wake up earlier next time. It can affect my milk supply. If he eats less, then I produce less. It becomes a downward spiral. Talk about pressure.

Right now Ezra doesn't seem too skinny. He isn't the fatty I would like, but I think we are managing. I sure hope he and I both learn a little bit more about breastfeeding. Maybe during the next feeding I'll read him some literature on how to sit properly and good latching technique. I'll have to hold the book with my fifth hand.

Just the Three of Us

Friday was the first day that Matt went to work and it was just Elias, Ezra and myself at home...alone. We ventured out to music class with much success, and even managed a bit of quiet time after lunch. Thankfully, Carissa came over, and we all went to play at the park, bake cookies and read books. This picture exactly captures the fun we had having Carissa visit. Come over any time!


It is hard to explain, but there is just something about Moms. Thankfully, my Mom came out for Ezra's birth. It sure doesn't seem like I could have done it without her. She is encouraging, super duper helpful, a shoulder to cry on and someone to laugh with. I know, I know. Everyone thinks their Mom is something special. But you should really get a chance to meet mine some time. Then you would know exactly what I'm talking about.


All those visitors brings lots and lots of presents. Here is the low down:

Carissa and Noah brought us a wonderful homemade dinner of stuffed shells and rum cake (and we got yummy leftovers). Don't forget the home brew too! They also broght Elias a sticker book, and Ezra "The Thingamabob" book (which Elias loves).

Gina brought us pastries and quiche that was to die for. Plus a fish magnet game for Elias and black and white cards, a bear blankie, foam book (which Elias loves) and leg warmers for Ezra. He hates being cold during diaper changes, so he loves his leg warmers!

The Posts brought us home made macaroni and cheese and a delicious Boston creme pie (how did Brad make that? :) On a separate trip, we got some really good cookies. They also brought some mountain themed gifts: A big stuffed moose for Elias and a baby moose for Ezra. Plus a cute onesie and socks for Ezra once he gets a bit bigger.

Kate brought us some awesome homemade cookies and a cute little footprint/handprint frame (to be completed tomorrow...I hope).

Just because people couldn't make it for a visit doesn't mean they didn't send us some great gifts too:

Chelsea baked her awesome chocolate chip cookies. They are unrepeatable in my kitchen (believe me I have tried).

Aunt Karen knit some wonderful socks for both boys:

Helen and David sent a cute jean jacket and shirt combo. I can't wait until he is big enough to wear it.

Grandpa Don sent a beautiful Laredo pottery piece to add to our collection, a Silver Eagle coin for Ezra and a beautiful quilted bib.

Liang and Aunt Pat sent gift cards. Can't go wrong with a trip to Target.

The Winters and Kiefers sent a gorgeous embroidered towel, washcloth and bib for Ezra.

Linda Patton sent some hand knit hats for Elias. He loves to pick out his new hats to wear outside:

Nancy and Paul sent a box of goodies for Ezra. Clothes (including an adorable red and black checkered vest, some CDs, a bear chew toy and some bath toys.

The Fogles sent a full box of toys for Elias. Raisins (his favorite part of the box), crayons, coloring book, matchbox car and trailer, a CD and some special markers and paper.

Thanks to everyone for their wonderful generosity. Hopefully I will get to the real thank you notes soon!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A First Bath

An unsuspecting Ezra

The truth revealed

Starting Him Off Young

A five-day-old Ezra went to music class with Elias, Mommy, and Grandma and Grandpa. He was a big hit. If he doesn't know all of the songs by the time he is Elias' age, then he just wasn't paying attention. I've done my part.

The Doctor

Dr. Davidson and Ezra

Ezra got checked out at the doctor's office and has been declared, "Perfect." Let's hope he stays that way. He has been gaining weight (although not as quickly as I would like) and got his newborn screening done. He doesn't go back until 2 months. Let's hope by then he can impress her with some reading or something.


When you have a baby, you are tired and a bit in a daze, but one of the hardest things is missing out on adult interaction. Visiting people with newborns is about the best gift you can give. We have been blessed.

Carissa and Noah:

Gina and 1-year-old Alex:

The Posts:

My cousin Kate:


Come back any time...please. Please come back.

Baby Brother Did It

Just after Ezra was born, we called Grandpa Jim and Elias from the hospital to let them know of his arrival. We found out that while Elias is smart, he doesn't always think things through. At breakfast that morning, Elias pointed to a scratch on the table and said, "Baby brother did it." Now had Ezra been at home yet, perhaps we might have believed Elias, but since we were all still in the hospital, it was a no go. Sorry Elias...and now we are on to you.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Elias Ecklund Kiefer

True to his word, Elias has been pretty good with "Baby Brother." He loves to give gentle pats, hugs, and kisses. I'm enjoying it now, while it lasts.

Those first few days where I was in the hospital or at home, but not in any shape to play with Elias were rough. He was not acting himself, and unfortunately Grandma and Grandpa got to see the worst of him. He has recovered quite a bit, but there are still a few things we need to work out:

The potty. Elias has begun peeing in his pants every time he has to go...even at school. That's a lot of pants to wash every day. Ugh. It was so nice when he was pretty much potty trained. Today I resorted to bribery. A treat if he has no accidents at school. I'm not holding my breath. I know he can do it, he has just decided to go in his pants (as we ask him if he needs to go, he says no, and then pees in his pants). Let's hope this phase passes quickly.

Nap time. Just as baby brother arrived home, Elias decided he didn't want to nap anymore. This, of course, is when I need him to nap the most (so I can nap). Luckily, we may have gotten this one resolved. We started calling it quiet time, and told him he could take whatever toys he wants to his room to play, but he has to stay inside until 3:00. Both times we sold it this way, he took a nap. Go figure.

All in all, I am quite pleased with Elias' interactions with Ezra. I know, I know. Just wait until the toy stealing begins.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ezra Ecklund Kiefer

Thankfully Ezra Ecklund Kiefer decided to arrive a week early on January 9th, 2011. He weighed 7 lbs. 1.6 oz and was 19" long. I had gotten an ultrasound the week before, and they estimated he was 7 lbs. 14 oz. (give or take a pound...luckily it was take). I had a decision to make; schedule the repeat c-section or keep with my original plan to try the vbac. It was touch and go, but with a call from my sister, it was decided: wait and see. Hold out hope for the vbac.

On Saturday night, I started having contractions, but I must say I wasn't even really sure that was what they were. You would think the second time around it would be obvious. I can't remember if it was 10:00 p.m. or more like midnight when they started. Matt and Grandpa Jim had just returned that night from a great day skiing. The timing couldn't have been much better. I tried to sleep, but at 1:00 a.m. I held a committee meeting. With Matt and Mom, we decided I should wait it out at home for a little while longer and try to sleep as much as possible. My contractions seemed sporadic to me and didn't meet the criteria of a consistent 8-10 minutes apart.

A short while later, I got up and headed downstairs. Sleep wasn't working, so I thought I would do better in the living room with my book. I did manage to read 1 chapter, but I'm not sure I could tell you today what it was about. I held out until about 4 a.m., sitting on my big bouncy ball and doing my breathing. I decided it was time to call the doctor (I really wanted to hold out until Elias woke up, so we wouldn't be gone when he woke up, but it's good I didn't). When I called the doctor, I told the phone service I thought I was going to have a baby. I told the doctor I was pretty sure I was having contractions. She asked if they hurt. They definitely hurt. She told me to head to the hospital.

I woke Matt and Mom, and we headed to Rose Medical Center. My contracitons were getting closer and closer, but I am proud that I still walked to the delivery room. When the nurse checked me, she said I was 8 cm, and they had to call the doctor quickly. An on-call hospital doctor started helping with the delivery, but luckily my doctor arrived in time. I pushed for about 30 minutes, and Ezra arrived at 5:56 a.m. via a natural, drug free delivery. It was the delivery I had wanted last time. Welcome Ezra!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Should Be Interesting

Elias really does learn fast. I have definitely slowed down with baby #2 on the way (found out yesterday he is already 7 lbs 14 oz...give or take 1/2 lb). When we play, Elias either asks or tells me to go sit on the couch because he knows that's where I'll end up. Sitting on the floor (and even standing up for that matter) takes too much energy. He has now taken to putting a pillow behind his back when we have books on the couch together, just like Mom. Old Yellow has started crying and needing to be held...and baby brother isn't even here yet. Baby #2 actually arriving and coming home should be very interesting.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We Made It!

Elias was out of school for ten days straight. That's a loooooong time. But we survived it.

It seems as though most people I know who have younger-ish children are stay-at-home Moms. They blog, are on facebook, and generally like to talk about how great it is to be with their kids. Of the women I know that do work, a majority of them wish they could stay at home. Huh? This is just something I will never understand. I guess there are two types of women in the world; those that feel so blessed to be able to be around their kids a majority of the time...and then me. Don't get me wrong. I love Elias and am glad to have him, but being around him 24/7 drives us both mad. He likes school, and I like work. I can't imagine what it would be like if we were at home more than 10 days in a row together.

We tried to keep busy over the break. We went to the museum, played at the mall (twice), went grocery shopping, checked out all of his new Christmas toys, got his haircut, went to the playgrounds. We had good moments and rough ones. I know we were both glad when Grandma and Grandpa arrived on Sunday afternoon, the last day of our 10 day stint.

Maybe I'll pretend that I'm not the only one who feels this way about their kids, but that I'm just the only one brave enough to say it out loud.