Saturday, August 27, 2011

Show and Tell

Since Elias has moved up to primaries, it has been a very exciting summer at school. They went on four field trips (Matt went on some too!) taking the public bus to the botanic gardens, the zoo, the art museum, and the library. Every month, Elias has snack day where he gets to bring one book and one treasure for show and tell (and I have to bring in snacks for his class). With much persuasion from me, he has taken:

The Bear Snores On and his bag of instruments (I tried to get him to take his guitar)
Of Thee I Sing (Obama book) and his camera
The Three Little Javelinas and the quilt Great Grandma Ruth made for him
Bugs for Lunch and a cow eraser

As you can see, I started off strong, but am starting to lose my coercion skills. A cow eraser? What next month, his dirty socks?

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