Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Snaggle Tooth

Snaggle Tooth is 8 months old!

-Got his first (and only) tooth (Aug 17th)
-Loves to clap (although he has been doing that for months)
-Does not like applesauce and only barely tolerates yogurt, but will happily eat green beans, broccoli and peas
-Has super sharp nails and scratches his face constantly
-Crawls through the tunnel at school
-Says ba, ba and ma, ma (but da, da is still his favorite)
-Already conspires with Elias to do no good
-Recognizes the Goodnight song
-Has found the electrical outlet in the floor (over and over again)
-Has taken a liking to eating my plants (he does seem to like vegetables)
-Still has a wonderful laugh

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