Sunday, August 22, 2010


Elias is scared of everything. Any noises he can't place, and even some he can. The train whistle, the fan in his room, the lamp, the futon that used to be up at the condo that isn't even in his room anymore. He has started sleeping in his bed at home fairly consistently (knock on wood), but sleeping up at the condo has been a nightmare...literally. We plan to get a bed for the room up there sometime this week or next in hopes that this will help naps and bedtime go more smoothly. Keep your fingers crossed.


  1. How about a sound generator like a fan to mask the noises? We use a Marpac and I know Kate has a sound generator too that I think she has used with the girls. I use the Marpac so I cant hear the clicking of a ceiling fan since it tends to wake me. They wont stop a train whistle, but they will stop the little sounds from the monster under the bed ;)

  2. We did start running a big fan which really seems to help. I sure hope the fan doesn't become scary. Hmmm....
