Monday, June 18, 2012

No One Told Me

It is a baby boom out here among my Colorado friends.  So many people Matt and I know have had babies recently.  One friend had her second boy about a month ago (her oldest is a little over 2).  She confided that she couldn't believe how hard it was.  It wasn't like she was a first time mom...but many days it sure seemed like it.  Oh, how I can relate.  Another friend had a super cute baby a few weeks ago.  When we visited, she said, "No one told me it was this hard."  I think she must be going through what every mother goes through in one form or another.  It is such a shift to start taking care of another little human being...and so much time and effort.  Unfortunately, people just don't talk about the struggles new babies bring.  It is somehow taboo.  The posts I mostly see from others are about how wonderful, cute and adorable their little one is.  I do know that Matt and I tried to tell them ahead of time what they might be in for, but in reality, it can't be conveyed.  You don't really know what it's like until you do it.  So, no matter what everyone might have shared, she's right.  No one told her.

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