Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stubborn....Ya Think?

Elias has always been a good sleeper...until now. It has been over a week now that Elias has decided he doesn't want to sleep in his room by himself. That means that every time he wakes up in the middle of the night, someone has to go comfort him. Same for when he goes to bed. One night we decided we would let him cry himself to sleep...maybe then he would learn to comfort himself. He cried for 3 1/2 hours straight before we reevaluated. That kid is stubborn. Now we help him go to sleep at first, and hope he doesn't wake up before morning. So far, no luck. Matt and I (and Elias) are exhausted. Any advice would be greatly appreci......zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

1 comment:

  1. My advice - get a inflatable mattress and camp out on the floor. He'll outgrow it eventually, and not one moment before he's ready. Who knows - perhaps there is a scary shadow on the wall, a new noise at this time of year, or just one of those goofy things that happens with major developmental milestones.
