Thursday, February 10, 2011

Party Pooper? *

Not exactly. More like Party Puker. All four of us went to a Super Bowl party at our friend Kat and Slaby's house on Sunday. I was super excited to see some people I hadn't seen in a while and to just get out of the house. There were lots and lots of desserts (a party true to my own heart), so Elias wanted something right when we got there. He only ate a small portion of a chocolate candy bar cookie dessert, and then said he didn't like it (true to form). A few hours later he was throwing up all over the hardwood floors. I say better than the carpet.

In hindsight, we should have left then, but how often do I actually get to socialize these days? We stayed longer, and just as we were about to leave, Elias threw up again. This time we were over carpet, but I took most of it on me to save the plush fibers. Better than the car, Matt says. I borrowed a shirt, and we changed Elias' clothes and quickly left. He got sick one more time that night, but was well enough for school the next day (thank goodness).

I guess there is a possibility that he ate a tiny piece of a Snickers bar which would have had peanuts in it, so perhaps that is why he got sick. But it is a bit suspicious that the last party we went to (the baby shower thrown by Noah and Carissa for us) Elias also got sick. Too much chocolate? Or maybe he is intimidated by all the socializing and seeing so many people he doesn't know. Enough to make him sick to his stomach?

At the next party, Elias can not consume any food not brought by us...that is if we are ever invited out again.

* Thanks to Steph for this great blog title

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