Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Allergist

Back in March, Elias went back to the allergy specialist for his yearly checkup. Good news - Elias is no longer allergic to eggs (but apparently all kids outgrow this allergy, so it isn't all that exciting). Bad news - Elias is still allergic to peanut butter...and bad enough that they don't think he will grow out of it. Bummer! We got him an Epi Pen for home and school because while we have the technology to fly to the moon, we don't have any way of knowing what kind of reaction Elias will have if he accidentally eats peanuts. So, what does Elias pretend to eat at home every chance he gets. Peanuts, of course.

The other bummer news is that the only help for his wheezing when he gets a cold is to do the nebulizer (better known as Fishy Treatment) every day...and twice a day when he gets a cold. Good thing he likes books! I am happy to report that with his first cold on the new plan, he didn't have a day where he had to stay at home from school. That's a win win for everyone. I sure hope it continues to work because if not, what's next? You guessed it, Fishy Treatment twice a day, every day. If that happens, we may very well open our own children's library.

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