Friday, July 24, 2009

Out of House and Home

He isn't even a teenager yet, and he is already eating us out of house and home. I didn't think it was possible for one 15-month-old boy to eat that much. I'm curious if he has some hidden talent that we are just now realizing or if most kids his age eat tons and tons. We feed him 6 oz. of milk every three hours plus probably about 2 cups of food. I usually cut him off instead of waiting for him to make the "all done" sign. At daycare, he doesn't get that much milk, so right when we get home, he seems starving. Matt mentioned this to one of the teachers, and he thought she looked a little surprised. Luckily we are finding more and more foods that he likes. I'm not sure what we are going to do once he hits 12. I'll let you know once we start needing donations.


  1. You can ask my Aunt Gina at the wedding. My cousin Alex is fairly lean but he eats like it's going out of style. Just last weekend, I saw him down 8 slices of pizza. He's 19.

  2. Thanks for making me feel better Chris.

  3. Yeah, at 16 months, Elias can only eat 4 slices of pizza. He's got about 17 and a half years to step up.
