Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Four Hour Tour

On Tuesday, I was in the car for about 4 hours...ugh. I went to work in the morning as usual, but I did know that I would potentially be taking Elias to the doctor to check out his eye infection...but only if they could squeeze me in. Turns out they had a spot at 10:30, so I left work at 9:00, drove downtown to get Elias from daycare, and then halfway back to work to the doctor's office. Turned out he had a "cold in his eye", so he could go back to daycare (good news). I also got a prescription for some eye drops to help clear it up (with leftovers for future incidents...even better news). I drove him back to daycare and then headed back to work. I made it back just in time for a 12:30 meeting where I was supposed to brief a few slides. At 3:30, I left work and headed back downtown to pick Elias up from the daycare, and then finally headed home. Phew...I'm tired just typing this.

1 comment:

  1. You can look forward to quite a few days like that in the next, oh, 15 years or so. At least one day he'll be driving himself!
